Loves to watch Baby Einstein in his jumper. As you can tell he is really into it.
He Loves to be outside. If you take him outside for a minute and then go back in the house before he is ready he will yell and kick and throw a little fit. He loves to go for strolls and reaches out to touch everything he can along the way. This kid really likes to touch and feel everything.
He LOVES his bath. We say "Brogen you want to have your bath" and he gets a huge grin and gets so excited. He likes to stand up and lean over and watch the bathtub fill up with water and he has the cutest little naked bum you have every seen!!
He still loves to be read to and turn the pages. He gets so anxious to turn the pages that sometimes we don't read the book he just turns pages. He thinks he is "so big" when he does it.
He loves to be sang to and a couple of his favorites are "popcorn popping", "itsy bitsy spider" and "rock a bye". No matter what is going on he will always calm down or hold still if I sing to him.
He has one lonely bottom tooth. We have yet to see the other one even trying to come through.
He babbles a lot still just saying mama dada and baba and some other things we don't understand and when he gets frustrated or tired he starts yelling at us. When he is tired and he starts crawling he will just yell the whole time he is crawling somewhere.
He will finally eat most baby foods except the really gross vegetables and we have started giving him table food which is what he prefers. So far he has tried: pancakes, waffles, potatoes and gravy, cheese, bread, cheesy potatoes, lasagna, spaghetti, tiny taste of mommy's oreo shake, and peas.
He only takes his bottle really good when he is sleepy and otherwise we have to fight him to take it.
He pulls himself up to everything and walks along the couch. He got his first bruise on his forehead by pulling himself up to his jumper and falling and hitting the metal bar.
He can climb our entire flight of stairs by himself but getting back down them is another question.
He has been sleeping from between 8:00 -9:00 to around that time the next morning. It is awesome to get him down for the night that early. He only wakes up once or twice when he can't find his binky and we have to go put it back in for him.
He loves to be chased when he is crawling down the hall. He squeals and laughs and crawls as fast as he can.
When we say "no no" or "uh uh" he turns around and grins and laughs and makes sure we are watching while he does it again. Little stinker!
For some reason his favorite thing to do is be in the bathroom sitting in the sink looking in the mirror and playing with my comb. He smiles and laughs at himself in the mirror and I still don't know if he thinks it is himself or another baby but either way he loves it.
We have been trying for days to get a good picture of him smiling but he always closes his eyes but these just show how big he is getting.
He is so adorable! I can't believe how fast time goes. Seems like you have a little man that keeps you busy :) oh the joys of being parents!!
He is too cute Shannie!
What a cute little naked bum! (: Shanny enjoy because man does it go by fast. So when are we getting together girl?
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