How far along? 20 Weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes, but unfortunately I am still at the awkward stage where maternity clothes are a little too big and my regular clothes are way too uncomfortable!
Stretch marks? Not yet.
Best moment the past few weeks: Feeling those first little flutters about about 16 weeks that I knew for sure were movements and since then feeling little kicks and jabs all the time.
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back and also just sleeping in general. I tend to have insomnia when I am pregnant and just wake up and can't go back to sleep for hours sometimes.
Movement: Yes! I love it, it makes the pregnancy seem real
Food Cravings: Ice cream, sweets, pepsi. Nothing that is good for me!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Thank heavens the morning sickness left me about 15 weeks but I still get a little sick sometimes when I take my vitamin and if I get too hungry. Water is hard for me to drink and makes me feel a little blah also.
Gender: Its a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are naming her Hallie but not quite sure on the middle name yet. Brogen was right all along. We had the gender ultrasound at 16 weeks and the ultrasound tech was sure its a girl. I couldn't believe it!
Labor Signs: I have been having the braxton hicks contractions for a couple weeks now.
Symptoms: Tired, but overall feeling better and less emotional.
Belly Button in or out? Still in but I have an inny and its making its way out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Now that I am not sick anymore I am much more pleasant to be around :) I am happily shopping for cute girl stuff too!
Looking forward to: My ultrasound tomorrow, anxious to know that everything is okay and that its still a girl and she is healthy and strong.
I can't believe that I am finally half way there. The first half always goes so slow especially being sick, everyday feels like a lifetime but now when I think I am on the down hill I get a little panicked thinking of everything I need and want to get accomplished before that time.
Brogen is still growing like a weed and does and says so many cute things. He LOVED Disneyland and talks about it non stop. I need to do a Disneyland post even though it was over a month ago just to document everything that happened. I am so glad we went, we have so many fun memories from that trip. He has been really cute about the baby sister in my belly and constantly is saying whoa your belly is getting so big Mama! Jared is currently job hunting and talk about frustrating! We are hoping that something works out soon so that I can quit work before the baby comes. All in all life is good and we have plenty to be thankful for.
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